
I’ll just come out and say it… I have had less than stellar supervision experiences in my career. I often left feeling misunderstood, confused, like I may have just been giving my supervisor therapy, or honestly sometimes I left feeling like total shit and like I had no business being a therapist. I became a supervisor because I had one rockstar supervisor who built me up, encouraged my independence, taught me to trust in my clinical gut, and believed in me. I realized that is how supervision is supposed to be and that is what my supervisees can expect from me. I believe my role is to build up new therapists to be confident in their skills of diagnosing, treatment planning, providing evidence-based practices, and resourcing for perinatal clients.

Just as the goodness of fit between client and clinician is the best predictor of therapeutic success, goodness of fit is also very important between supervisor and supervisee. In order to help you determine if you’d like us to work together as you pursue clinical licensure, here are some things for you to know about me:

  • I am a systems therapist

  • I am social justice oriented

  • I believe assessment is ongoing and we will talk abut your clients utilizing a biopsychosocial lens, including assessing their spiritual and sexual health

  • I am LGBTQIA+ affirming

  • I’m also a sex therapist pursuing certification

  • I am pro-choice

  • I am a feminist

  • I keep it real and don’t expect you to have it all together all the time

  • I take ethics very, very, very seriously

  • I will cheerlead the hell out of you and hold you accountable at the same time

  • I practice from an attachment lens, utilizing EFT and EFFT

  • I also heavily use DBT and EMDR

What supervision would look like is really up to us to decide together! I take a collaborative approach. Options are endless. I have supervisees who like me to assign reading and then we discuss it together, give a "mini-training" on certain topics, case consultation, "self of the therapist" processing about cases, looking at cases through different theoretical perspectives, etc.

I also LOVE helping clinicians start up their practices. I can give guidance on intake documents, screening measures, best practices, policies/procedures, etc. I get an immense amount of joy helping therapists fill their practices, find their version of work-life balance, and build their careers.

Supervision services are for those seeking preclinical licensure in the state of Missouri, Kansas, and Washington. Supervision rate is my full hourly rate, scholarships are available to new/associate/provisionally licensed clinicians.

Not located in these states but want to run a case by me? See below.


I offer a free monthly consultation group for perinatal therapists on the first Friday of every month from 11-12:30 CST. Just shoot me an email to join at

I also provide 1:1 case consultation for clinicians feeling stuck. Hourly rate for consultation is $150.