What Does it mean to hold space?

Holding space is a conscious act of being present, open, allowing, and protective of what another needs in each moment. It is a nonjudgemental and respectful way of interacting with others.

can i bring my baby to session?

Of course!

Where do you offer appointments?

My office or Telehealth.

What is the fourth trimester?

The fourth trimester begins once your baby is born and lasts until they are three months old. Your baby is transitioning from the womb to the world. They spend a lot of time sleeping and eating around the clock, and need help organizing their emotions and processing new experiences.

How long is the perinatal period?

The medical community believes that the perinatal period lasts during pregnancy and extends to the infant’s first birthday. This is true for miscarriages and neonatal loss as well. Many times Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs) extend past baby’s first birthday if left untreated.

Do just childbearing women get PMADs?

No. While there is a biological/hormonal component to PMADs, partners can get PMADs as well. Foster Parents and Adoptive Parents are also at risk for PMADs.

how much does therapy cost?

Our first session (called an intake assessment) is $200. We do a deep evaluation of your symptoms, discuss diagnosis, and make a plan for our work together. Sessions following the assessment are $150. If you need assistance in paying for the session fees, I have scholarships available. I accept cash, check, or you can pay electronically. I also accept HSA payments.

Therapy is also covered by insurance. I currently accept some insurances, which are state specific. Please inquire for more information.

Are you lgbtq* affirming?


What can I expect at my appointment?

Prior to our first meeting, you will fill out some paperwork and questionnaires to help me get to know what you’d like my help with. In our first session we will spend time getting to know your medical history, your family dynamics, what symptoms are most bothersome to you, and make a plan for our work together. The process is collaborative and can always be modified at any time. For our ongoing appointments, we begin working on our treatment plan, starting with what you feel is most important. If you don’t know what is most important, don’t worry! I will help you with that.

Any other questions?

I believe (and research backs this up) that the fit between me and the client is the most important aspect of therapy because I really want my clients to feel safe and comfortable. Please call if you have any questions!